Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Last updated: June 2024

Simply Dynamics Ltd values the privacy of its customers and observes due care in processing and protecting personal data. DynamicsShopDynAzure and SimplyD, are trading names of Simply Dynamics Ltd a company Registered in Ireland No. 449851 and which is GDPR compliant.

Privacy-sensitive and personal data are processed by Simply Dynamics Ltd, and during processing we comply with the requirements of the applicable data protection legislation. This means we:

  • Clearly specify our purposes before we process personal data, by using this Privacy Statement.
  • Limit our collection of personal data to only the personal data needed for legitimate purposes.
  • First ask for explicit permission to process your personal data in cases where your permission is required.
  • Take appropriate security measures to protect your personal data and demand the same from parties who process personal data on our behalf.
  • Respect your right to inspect, correct or delete your personal data held by us.

Simply Dynamics Ltd is the controller for all data processing. In this privacy statement, we will explain which personal data we collect and for which purposes. We recommend that you read it carefully.

Use of Personal Data

By closing an agreement with us, attending our event stand, using our website, you are providing certain data to us. This could be personal data. We only retain and use personal data that has either been provided directly by you or that has clearly been supplied to us to be processed. We use your personal data for the purposes mentioned in this privacy statement.

Webshop and App Source services

To come to an agreement and to perform the agreement with customers, we process the contact person’s name, professional e-mail address, phone number, function and company, as well as any correspondence between the contact person and us. The legal basis for the use of this data is performance of the agreement between Simply Dynamics Ltd and the customer. We will keep this data in our systems for the duration of the agreement.


At events we attend, we sometimes gather personal information of contact persons of potential customers or other contacts. The personal information we gather may vary per event, but will typically include your name, professional contact data, company and function. We will use this data based on your permission, to be able to contact you for commercial purposes after the event and keep you informed on our services via our newsletter. Unless you become our customer, we will use the personal information for this purpose until you ask us to remove the personal data from our database.

Contact Form and Newsletter

On our website we offer the option to ask questions via a form that requires you to fill in a number of details. Certain details are optional, and it is up to you to decide if you would like to provide them to us. The information you send us will be kept by us for as long as it is needed in order for us to fully process and respond to the form or the contents of your email. We offer a newsletter in order to provide those interested with information about our products and/or services. Every newsletter contains an unsubscribe link. Your email address will only be added to the list of subscribers with your explicit permission.


If you post a comment on one of our blog posts, only your name, email address and any additional (optional) details that you’ve chosen to fill in will be published. These details will be visible to everyone online. We will not gather any additional information for the purpose of publishing your reaction.

Providing Data to Third Parties

Your data will not be provided to Third Parties unless it is necessary for the performance of a contract or to process your request. Our website features social media buttons that are used by the providers of these services to collect your personal data.


Our website uses cookies. Cookies are small information files that can be automatically stored on, or read out from the device (including a PC, tablet or smartphone) of the website visitor, while using a website. This is done through the web browser on the device. Cookies are used by us, but also used via Third Parties we engage for these purposes.

We use cookies on our website for the following purposes:

  • to enable the functionality of our website and to protect the website. These cookies ensure the functioning of specific features of our website and allow your user preferences to be remembered. So, for example cookies can be used to correctly display fonts, to remember your user session on the web server so you can view the website, or to remember a search term used to search on the website or a chosen filter (technical and functional cookies);
  • to generate overall statistics and gain insight into the use of our website by the public in order to optimise our website and services (analytics cookies);
  • to make the internet offer more interesting for you by displaying advertisements that fit your interests (advertisement cookies).

When you visit our website for the first time, we display a notification explaining cookies. We will ask your consent for our cookies if we are legally obliged to do so. The maximum retention period of our cookies is two years.

For the above-mentioned purposes, we use the following cookies and applications:

Google Analytics

Type: Analytic

Entity: Google LLC, USA, PrivacyShield, Privacystatement

Http/https: Https-cookie

Retention period: Max 50 months

Purpose: Google Analytics registers a unique ID to generate statistical data about the use of the website; Measures the (return) visits to the website; Distinguishes between different types of users. Google obtains a part of your IP address. We have not allowed Google to use your data for other Google services and we have concluded a data processing agreement.

Google Ads

Type: Tracking

Entity: Google LLC, USA, PrivacyShield, Privacystatement

Http/https: Https-cookie

Retention period: Max.2 year

Purpose: Google, as a third party vendor, uses cookies to serve ads on our website, to compile data regarding user interactions with ad impressions, and other ad service functions as they relate to our website.

Bing Ads

Type: Analytic

Entity: Microsoft Corporation, USA, PrivacyShield, Privacystatement

Http/https: Http-cookie

Retention period: Max. 2 years.

Purpose: Data is collected via Microsoft’s Bing Ads technologies, from which user profiles are created using pseudonyms. This enables us to track the activities of users on our website when they come to our website via ads from Bing Ads. If you access our site via such an advertisement, a cookie is placed on your computer, that processes the time spent on the Site, which areas of the Site have been called up, and via which display a user has accessed the Site. Information about your identity is not collected.

LinkedIn (LinkedIn Ads, LinkedIn Marketing Solution)

Type: Tracking

Entity: LinkedIn Corporation, USA, Privacystatement, PrivacyShield

Http/https: Http-cookie

Retention period: Max. 1 year.

Purpose: LinkedIn provides tracking technologies that help us understand the performance of advertising that we place on LinkedIn. In order to optimize/personalize ads, website interactions are processed.

Disabling and removal of cookies

You can prevent the placement of cookies by adjusting the settings on your browser (see your browser Help for how to do this) or reject the cookies via our banner. Be aware that disabling cookies will affect the functionality of this and many other websites that you visit.

Most cookies have an expiration date. This means, that they will automatically expire after a certain period and no longer register any data concerning your visit of our website. Another option is to remove the cookies manually before the expiration data.


We take appropriate security measures to minimize misuse of and unauthorized access to personal data.

Retention Periods

The personal details described above will be retained as long as they are necessary for the use of our website. After that, we will save the details for up to a year for statistical purposes. The details will then be deleted, unless it is legally required to retain them for a longer period of time.

Third Party Websites

This statement is not applicable to third party websites connected to our website through links. We cannot guarantee that these Third Parties will handle your personal data in a secure and careful manner. We recommend you read these websites’ privacy statements before making use of their websites.

Changes to this Privacy Statement

We reserve the right to modify this statement. We recommend that you review this statement regularly, so that you remain informed of any changes.

Inspection and Modification of your Data

Please do not hesitate to contact us using the detail below should you have any questions about our privacy statement or changes to (or deletion of) your personal details. You may send us a request to view, change or delete these details. Furthermore, you may send us a request for a data export containing the details that we use with your permission; you may indicate that you wish us to limit the use of your personal details.

In order to avoid fraud, we may ask you to identify yourself. Where personal details linked to a cookie are concerned, you may request a copy of the cookie. You can access this in your browser settings. Should the details be inaccurate, you may request that we change or delete them.

Irish Data Protection Commission

We are happy to help you with any concerns you have regarding the processing of your personal details. Privacy laws also grant you the right to submit a complaint regarding the processing of your personal details to the Irish DPC. For more information, please contact the Irish DPC.

Contact information

Simply Dynamics Limited
Unit 4, 4075 Kingswood Road,
Citywest Business Campus,
Dublin D24 H972,

Phone: +353 1 6876 600

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