Dynamics 365 Field Service Contractor Licensing

Effective from January 1, 2024, User Subscription Licenses (User SL) of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Field Service Contractor are available. Dynamics 365 Field Service Contractor Licensing options enables significant cost and process efficiencies over the standard D365 Field Service licensing.
This license caters specifically for third-party technicians and organisations using outside field service providers. This licence option will enhance the service delivery capabilities to end-customer locations.
One of the key reasons why Microsoft introduced the Dynamics 365 Field Service Contractor license is to enable the streamlining of the service delivery processes provided by third-party contractors. For many organisations, they have an ever increasing reliance on external field service providers and Microsoft recognised this and offered a dedicated license option for this audience and enabling contractors to get access to a toolset designed to enhance efficiency and service quality to the end customers without requiring a full Dynamics 365 Field service license and where the Contractor licence is competitively priced.
What Is Dynamics 365 Field Service Contractor Licensing?
The Dynamics 365 Field Service Contractor Licensing is a subset of the core features and capabilities of Dynamics 365 Field Service standard licence and focuses on the core features and capabilities vital to third-party technicians. This contractor licencing option is hugely beneficial to organisations that require the services of external contractors for their field service operations, as it offers a customisable solution to meet their actual needs and excludes the unnecessary features that they do not require now.
User Licences – Contractor vs. Standard License:
While both licensing options have similar core functionalities and features, there are some noteworthy differences. The Contractor license which has been customised for third-party use, does not include Copilot AI for areas such as work orders, scheduling, summarisation and updates – and where this feature is available in the standard D365 Field Service license. Microsoft have plans to extend Copilot AI features across all products in the future and will include the Contractor license option also. .
What are the User Limitations and Pre-requirements for Dynamics 365 Field Service Contractor licensing ?
In order to access D365 Field Service Contractor, users must have a User Subscription License (USL) – this is available under various Microsoft licensing agreements. It is important to note that Organisations must first have a pre-requisite license for either the Dynamics 365 Field Service User SL or Device SL as well as a Microsoft Entra ID User SL for the contractors’ employees. In addition to this, an Azure AD guest account assignment is also required for the organisation’s employees to access the Field Service Contractor App and highlights the need for correct licensing and account setup.
Understanding Microsoft Licensing Models:
Microsoft’s licensing models may present challenges for Organisations – are they purchasing the correct number of license – whether too little or too many! Microsoft Dynamics 365 Field Service Contractor is a strategic expansion of Microsoft’s Field Service offering, customised to enhance the capabilities of third-party technicians and organisations leveraging external field services.
It is hugely important that Organisations fully understand the features, capabilities, limitations and pre-requirements of this new D365 Field Service Contractor License and help them to make the right licensing purchase decisions to enable them to fully optimise and enhance their field service operations.
D365 Field Service Pricing Plans:
Check out the D365 Field Service User Licence types HERE
Next Steps:
Simply Dynamics are one of the leading Microsoft Dynamics 365 Partners in Ireland and fully understand that some organisations may find it a challenge to navigate the Microsoft Licensing space – but no need to worry! Our D365 Solution Specialists are here to help!
Why not book your Online meeting to chat with a member of our Dynamics 365 Team, or Contact Us Now